S FT A D D A L t27 and fupplied in every Joint ;* the Beginning [the firft Caufe of all] ; and that in or over all He bath the Pre- eminence :t From which he teaches us, in another Place, to draw this Inference ; that feeing we ourfelves are not fufficient for the leaft good thing, and that facia an infinite Fulnefs of Grace and Power is in GOD, we Ihould reft our whole Sufficiency upon him. This Teftimony alone is adequate to prove, that the bleíf'ed jefus is the omnipotent Shaddai, who filleth all in all. " As his Selffufciency (fays a ufeful Writer) is that, whereby He has enough in himfelf to denominate him completelybleffed, as a GOD of infinite Perfection; fo his All-fufficiency is that, whereby He is able to com- municate as much Bleffednefs to his Creatures, as He is pleafed to make them capable of receiving; and therefore He is able, not only to fupply all their Wants, but to do exceedingly above all they afk or think." § And if we turn our Eyes beyond the Grave, and Pur- vey the wonderful Delineation, which St. John exhibits of what no mortal Eye, but his own, beheld upon Earth ; we fhall fee, that the Armies of Heaven, and all the Bleft of GOD, triumph in our Immanuel as their Shaddai, and afcribe to him the Glory and Dominion for ever and ever. As the Witneffes upon Earth, when led by GOD, could not be deceived ; furely the Wit- neffes of Heaven, rejoicing in GOD, cannot lie. And thefe adore him as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning (from whom they proceed) and the Ending (to whom they tend), who is, and who was, and who is to come, (Shaddai) the ALMIGHTY. fi And if Heaven and Earth proclaim his Pralle ; if the whole Creation give, if a tacit, yet convincing, Proof of its Dependence upon him ; fhall the living and the lively Believer be backward to acknowledge the Glories * Eph. iv. 16. t Col. i. 17, 18. I 2 Cor. § Ri noceY's Body of Divinity. Vol. i. p. 56. lI Rev, i. 8. iv. 8. xi. 17. xvi. 5. ßi