.SHADD A I. ordered, as GOD could plan it. And there neverwas a Soul, which truly trufted in' Him which had a real De- fire for his precious Salvation, and a juft Sight of its own Sinfulnefs and Need of Him, that ever went a- way confounded. He would not have bellowed thefe lint Dawnings of his Grace, if he had not defigned to. have brought in the full Sunlhine of his Glory.. Commit thy Way then, humble doubtingSoul, unto the- Lord. Say of him, as the Pfalmift .faid; He is my Re- fuge andmy Fortrefs, my Alehim, in himwill I trufl ! And thy Experiencelhall alfo concur with his ; for furely he fhall deliver thee from the Snare of (Satan) the Fowler ; and from the noifome Peftilence (of Sin). Hefhall cover thee with his Feathers (of Love) and finder his Wings (of ProteRion)'halt thou truft : his Truth (his ever/ailing Co- venant and Promilè)jhall be thy Shield and Buckler. Thou fhalt not be afraidfor the Terror by Night ; nor for the- Arrow thatflieth by Day ; norfor the Peftilencethat walk- eth in Darkstefs ; nor for the DefiruSion that wafieth at Noon-day. A thoufand fhallfall at thy Side, and test thoufand at thy Right-band; but it fhall not come nigh thee.* How bleffed then is the Man, whofe Alehim is . 7ehovah ! How happy the Believer, who truiteth in Hirn! * Hahn xci. z JEHOVAH