Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. 533 Indeed, they were and are fo depraved and fallen, that theyhavenot naturally the minu teft Particleof Righteouf- nefs in them. Hence they are defcribed, as covered with the Leprofy, and with putrifying Sores, from the Crown of the Head tothe Soles of the Feet---as having nofóund Part in them and fo utterly loft and undone, as tobe even dead in 2refpajfes and Sins. Thefe Expreffions, and a thoufand others, in the holy Word, of the like Import, point out Man's extreme Apoftacy and Defe&ion from GOD, and his helplefs Mifery and Ruin in himfeif. They particularly point out, as the Ground of all his Woes, his Want of Righteoufnefs. In this View, which Revelation and Experience prove to be a true and infallible View, of the Cafe; the Pro- clamation of a Saviour; of a divine and omnipotent Sa- viour, of a Saviour replete with Righteoufnefs and gra- cious to bellow it ; mutt have been particularly chearing to the Believers ofold. What Joy mutt they have felt, when they fang together, in the Words of the Pfalmift, 1V1ÿ MouthJhallJhew forth thy Righteoufnefs and thy Sal- vation all the Day ; for I know not the Numbers thereof. Iwillgo in the Strength [Heb. Strengths, repeated andcon- tinual Strength] of ADONAI JEHOVAH : Iwill make men- tion of thy Righteoufnefs, even of thine only !* And what Hope muff they have conceived from that Promife; JExovaH is well pleafedfor his [the Meffiah's] Righteous - nefsfake? And wherefore ? Hewill magnify the Law, fet it up confpicuoutly as an Enfign or Tower, andmake it honorable, magnificent and illuftrious, by his Obedi- ence to it.'j- Majefty, Grace, and Strength, unite in the Formation of this bleffed and wonderful Name, which conftitutes a farther irrefragable Proof of the Divinity ofyefus, and the Sufficiency of his Salvation. For, if Chrift were not JEHOVAH, he could not poflìbly be OUR RIGHTEOUS- NESS.. All the Righteoufnefs, with which he might be endued as a Creature, and every Ad of l i hteoufneff realm lx:pi, ts, 16, t Ifaiah xlii, zt. K 3 which