Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. 137 Saviour ? And how can he be JEHOVAH oux R1CHTE- OUSNESS, but for this neceffary End and Purpofe ? The Abolition of our Sins by the Blood of Chrift ren- ders us indeed without Fault ; but fomethingmore than this feems neceffary to conftitute our Claim, and perfe& our Title, to Heaven and Glory. We muft then, either receive, this Title, by the Imputation ofChr 's altive Merit; or enjoy eternal Life, by the Beftowment of the Father, without any Title at all ; which laft appears to derogate not a little from the Worth and Utility of the Saviour's Humiliation, in beingmade under the Law, and becoming obedient to it in all its Requirements. And yet farther : The Title muff be infinite and everlafting ; becaufe the Objel`t of its Attainment is the infinite and everlafting Life of Myriads ofBelievers. And where can they find an infinite Title, or an everlafting Righte- oufnefs, but in JEHOVAH the Redeemer ? But, as the infinite Merit of his Death could atone for infinite Tranf- grelfions, and redeem from Death eternal ; fo, by a Pa- rityof Reafon as well as by exprefs Revelation, we may conclude, that the infinite Merit of his Life not lefs purchafed the infinite Reward, which his People enjoy with him for ever. Confidering this glorious Do&rine in an experimental View ; what an inexhauftible Fund of Comfort does it provide for and convey to the believing Mind ? If ChrU be our Righteoufnefs, it muft needs be acomplete Righteoufnefs ; becaufe Chrtfi is JEHOVAH in. our Na- ture, and his Work is perfet7.* It would be Blafphemy then, with refpe& to yefus, to charge his Work with ImperfeEtion : And it would be a Folly, with refpea to ourl'elves; fince it would cut us offfrom the only Ground of true Hope, that ever was difcovered in the World. Chrift, likewife, being our Righteoufnefs now, is our Righteoufnefs for evermore. There is no Flaw in his Salvation ; and there can be none in his Nature. How folidiy happy, how everlaftingly joyful, has every Be- Deut. xxpcii. 4. siever