138 JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. liever then a Right and Title to be ! He may well be content to renounce himfelf, and every thing befide ; Pnce ChrU is all in all to his Soul. O what aHeighth and Depth, what a Length and Breadth, are contained in this Righteoufnefs of our incarnate Saviour, pafliingall Underftanding ! When we are able fully to compre- hend the Nature of GOD ; we fhall be able, but not till then, fully to comprehend the Righteoufnefs ofGOD, in the Perfon of fefus Immanuel. Thus, dear Chriftian, the Righteoufnefs of Chrijl is built uponhis ESSENTIAL DIVINITY ; and all thy Com- forts, here and hereafter, upon both. His Divinity ren- ders his Righteoufnefs imputable; and therefore he is not called by any other Name, for this Purpofe, but the higheft Name of all, JEHOVAH. He is fefus our Sacri- fice, topurgeour Sins: And he is JEHOVAHOURRIGHTE- OUSNESS, to juftify our Perfons. Let this then comfort thy Confcience, amidft all thy Doubts and Fears, thy Perplexities and Troubles : Thou haft mm for thy Righteoufnefs, whocan eclipfe the Glories ofall created Righteoufnefs in Heaven, and can put to Silence all the Accufations of Sin and Hell. Arrayed in this fpotlefs Robe, Heaven for thee fhall triumph, and Hell be dumb, for ever. Who(hall lay any thing to the Charge ofGOD'S Elea ? It is GOD that jujlifieth * Say then, and O that thou mayeft fay it with a Heart of lively Praife ; JEHOVAH is my Light and my Salvation ; whom (hall Ifear? JEHOVAH is the Strength of my Life; of whom(hall I be afraid?t For, who fhould rejoice with Thankfgiving but He, who hath received the Biding from JEHOVAH, and Righteoufnefs from the GOD of his Salvation ?t It well becometh the Juft, in fuch a Cafe, to be thankful. It was this glorious Truth, which, in all Ages, bathmade the Saints to bejoyful with Glory, and to fing aloud, even upon their dying Beds. It was this bleff.- ed Do&trine, which could make a good Man fay, upon the Profpell of Death ; " I am not anxious either to * Rom. viii. 33. f Pfalm xxvii. i. Pfalm xxiv. 5. Iiv