JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. 139 RL live or die : For if I die,. I fhall be with GOD ; and, " if I live, He will be with me."* Everlafting Righte- oufnefs is an undoubted Title to everlafting Life ; and fuch is the Righteoufnefs of JEHOVAH-JESUS. Couldeft thou unite all the Righteoufneffes ofHeaven and Earth in thine own Perlon; thouwouldeft fee, O Chriftian, that the infinite Righteoufnefs of thy Redeemer fo vaftly tranfcends the fplendid Aggregate, that, with, the Apof- tie, thou Mighteft count them all but Dung and Draft in the Comparifon, and Peek thy Juftification and Glory in his alone. Rejoice then in HIM, who is unchangeable; and truft in his Righteoufnefs, which can never fail thee. In a few Moments more, thou wilt fee thefe glorious Truths ofhis Perlon and Offices, whichMen have treat- edon below, and which below thou haft faintly believed, to be the brighteft Beams of that eternal Majefty, with which the LORD thy Righteoufnefs is furrounded above. Thou wilt then be aftonifhet at the Coldnefs and Lan- guor of the warmeft Heart, which' ever thought of Je- fus, in this World; and be furprized, though furprized with Joy, that neither the halfnor a thoufandth Part of the Truth, refpe&ing his Dignity and Work, could on Earth be potfibly told thee. O how wilt thou fit down among the Bleffed, and chaunt the Praifes of that dear LORD, who not only brought thee out of Darknefs into marvellous Light, but railed thee up to a Throne of Glory, perhaps above the higheft Archangels in Hea- ven ! How amazing, that a poor, finful, dying, cor- ruptible Worm, fhould be fo prized by the Almighty, as to engage Him to fpare nothing, not even his only be- gotten SON, in order to accomplifh that wretched and rebellious Worm's everlafting Salvation ! Who could believe it, if GOD did not fpeak it f- -- Indeed, Re- demption is altogether wonderful from Beginning to End. The Works of GOD, in the vifible World, ex- cite our Admiration; 'but this Work of all his Works, the Recovery of Man by jefus Cbr f, commands the * The Rev. Mr. Alarm ofFalkirk in Sçotland, Feb. 25, 1757. endlefs