140 ADONAL LORD. endlefs Aftonifhment both of Men and Angels. It was- the laft ofhis Works, revealed to Man ; and it is the greatel, which Man can know. Say then with the Apo - ftle; O the Depth of the Riches both of the Wifdona and Knowledge of GOD ! How unfearchable are his Judge- ments, and his Ways paft findingout ! -- For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things : to whom be Gloryfor ever, 11men. A 1J ® 1V A .! LORD. OUR Tranflators have rendered this Name, as well as JEHOVAH, by the Word Lord; which, per- haps, in the ufual Acceptation, is a Word the nearett in Senfe to A0ONAI* of any in our Language: They have however (probably to diltinguifh it from JEHOVAH) printed the one (it has been obferved) in capital, and the other in common Charafters. But fuch a Dif- tinétion cannot be fuppofed to give their full Senfe and Idea, which are greatly different. This Title is frequently applied to CHRIST, t as the fecond Perfon in the bleffed Trinity. It lignifies, either a Ruler CHRIST is called (Micah v. 2.)',uro Dominator or Ruler (Mon tanus, Dominator ab antique), which conveys an Idea very fimilar tQ that of.ddonai; they both relate to Ability, Power, or Strength. t "The Word nviNe, [fynonimous to 'ifit¢ Adonail is in the Wri- tings of the Apoítles fimply and abfolutely afcribed to Chr/l, faith Zanchius,