toi ADONAI. LORD. which is thefpiritualT'emple and Bodyof him whofillette all in all; Eph. i. 23.) : And the Seraphim cried one to ano- ther, andfaid, Holy, holy, holy is JEHOVAH SABAOTH, &C. Then faid I, Wo is me for mine Eyes have feen thé King, JEHOVAH SABAOTH 21/fo Iheard the Voice ofthe ADONAI faying, Whom ,hall I fend, and who willgo for Us ? &c. By this it appears that the ADONAI * is JEHOVAH, and that He is the King of Glory, fitting up- on his Throne, furrounded, worshipped and adored, by the glorious Company of Heaven. It is indifputably the Office of CHRIST to purge our Sins by Himfelf alone : t But this Office is applied to the ADONAI; who was to waft away the Filth of the Daugh- ters of Zion. $ CHRIST, therefore, is the ADONAI ; and the ADONAI JEHOVAH. It was this bleffed ADONAI, who appeared to Daniel, in the Similitude of theSons of Men, § and acquainted him with what fhould happen in the latter Days. Long before Daniel, the faithful Abraham called upon his Redeemer by this Name, faw hisDay, and was glad. i Ifaiah vi. Here it is evident, that the Title Adonai relates to JEHOVAH, or to one of the divine Perfons in JEHOVAH ; WhomJhall Ifend ? And that it is alfo an Appellative of the ALEH I M (or the Perfons conjointly) by what follows, Who will gofor us? t The Heathens appear to have had a corrupt Tradition of this Name, as well as of the Name 7ebovah; but applied it to the Sun, from an Idea ofhis vivifying Power. Adonis was their Appellation for that glorious Otb, which the apoltatiEingJews worshipped under the Name ofTammuz. Ezek. viii. 14. The Lamentation for Tam- muz, praétifed among the Idolaters, was occafioned by the Sun's re- ceding to the Tropicof Capricorn, and thereby incurring the Win- ter. At his Return to the Tropic of Cancer, which they called Te- kupha Tammuz. i. e. the Revolution ofTammuz, they obferved Felli- vity, attended with Lewdnefs and obfcene Ceremonies. The Jews are fuppofed to have received their idolatrous Worship of Tammuz, from their Phoenician or Afyrian Neighbours. And from the fame corrupt Source it is probable, that the Greeks (as Plutarch mentions) derived the Cultom of carrying forth, upon certain Occafions, Ima- ges of the Dead with particular Lamentations in Honour of Adonis. Vide SELDEN de Dits Syris. Synt. ii. c. ii. WITSII dEgyptiaca. I. ii. C. z. §. 15, 16, 17. I Ifaiah iv. 4. § Dan. x: 16. fi John viii, 56. The