Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

152 I M M A N U E L: never fo much as have thanked him for dying, did not he add to that wonderful Love the additional Gift of bis Spirit and Grace. Altnoft every one would thinly himfelf 'bound in Gratitude to pay a particular Refpe& to a Perlon, who might have faved an earthly Life : But how low is the Thankfulnefs, how poor the Rettirn of Love is the molt ardent Affeftion of the Children of GOD, to mid ; who not Only hath faved them to a Life of Grace, and to the Poffefliion of a thoufand Comforts, which the World cannot know, on Earth ; but bath allo affured them, by this Earneft of their Redemption, of a Life eternal with him, in Heaven ? GODWITH us ,rhould ever imply the Chriftian's Re- fignation to GOD. The Will of GOD Ihould be his. Will; and indeed he can never walk comfortably., nor even faithfully, unlefs it is. To walk otherwife, is not only to walk in Sorrow, but in Folly. 'Tis a great matter to have our Wills in Unifon with GOP's ; and indeed far above the Power of Fleth and Blood. It is ,an eafy thing to fay, Thy Will be done ; but when that Will is doing, and it thwarts the Inclinations of the car- nal IVlind, with its worldly felfifh Views; then to feel a refigned Heart to the ConduEt of Grace and Providence, is a Demonftration, that GOD is in us of a Truth. None bpi the Almighty, who made IFeaven and Earth, can bow the proud ftubborn Mind of finful Man to a Sub jeEtion like this. Nothing but the Light of free Grace can make a Man fenfible of the Worth of that Grace, and of his own Dependence from Moment to Moment upon it. Then " the Soul, fenfible of its own Inability, furrenders up itfelf to the Almighty Redeemer, and fub- jeEts itfelf to the Rules of his Dominion, as the Clay to the Hand of the Potter; and fo the Soul in everyNerve pf it is goofed, and lies down at the Will and Difpofal pf the Lord, to do as it feemeth good unto Him ; `and, by this means, the. Soul ceafeth from its own private jntereft, and fubmits itfelf to the Merits, Mercy and Laws of the Mediator, to be dieted, cloathed, and em- ployed by him only; and lives no longer by the Life of its