Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

154 I -M M A N U E L: tranfcendent Excellence as GOD, and his amazing Be- nignity and Goodnefs as the GOD-man. "'hey fhall enter into the fpiritual Zion with Songs, and everlafling yoy upon their Heads : they f all obtainfoy and Gladnefs, and Sorrow and Sighingfhallflee away. I. 'Tis Grace alone, which lifts the Mind, From meaner Views, the LORD to pleafe ; And prompts the Soul in him to find The fmootheft Calm, and fofteft Eafe. II. How Heft his Hours fertilely glide, 'Midfl Wrecks and Horrors all around ! Nor (hall Death's rough or rufhing Tide His placid Hopes of Life confound. III. Pleas'd with his Father's fov'reign Will, Who beft can choofe, and beft decree; His Word he trufts Him to fulfill, With patient Eye, and waiting Knee. IV. He fails o'er Time's tumultuous Main, Dependent on eternal Care ; And cannot doubt the Port to gain, For GOD bath (worn to bring him there. ' Ifaiah xxxv. io. MOST