Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

WÖr DERF ÙL. s6x hecaufe of the Weáknefs of the hutnan Intelfeet. The Lord analyzes himfelf (as it were), that we might fee the more of Him. Indeed, the Worth, the Excellency, and the Grace of IMMANUEL, are fo glorious arid divine, that no one Name could poflìbly exprefs them ; and, after all the Names whichhave been or can beàfcribed to Hini, and by which we can conceive any thing of his Majefty ; ftill he has a Namefar aboveevery Name, and ftill exhibits fuch Wonders of Glory, as far furl pafs all human Underftanding. " Themore of WòNüERFÚ " Is heard in HIM, the more we Ihould a¡l'ent. " Could we conceiveHim, GODHe could not be " Or He not GOD, or we could not beMen." YOUNG. 'that this TitleWONDERFULpertains to the MESSIAii no one, who believes the Bible, can fairly deny ; lince the Text, in which it occurs, can pofliibly relate to no other. Unto us (fays the Prophet) a Cniao is born ; unto us a SON is given; and the Government Jhall be upon his Shoulder : andhis NameJhall be called, WON DERFUL, COUNSELLOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE. Of the Increafe of his Government and Peace there (hall bè i o End, &c.* If we turn to the firft Chapter ofLuke, ver. 31, &c. we ¡hall be led to conclude; without far- ther Debate, 'that this CHILDborn, and this SON given, of whole Kingdom therejhall be no End, is no other than the Lord 7efus Chrifi. An Angel confirms the Decla- ration of the Prophet, by teftifying its Aecompli1hthent in Jefus. An Apoftle fixes his Seal to the important Truth ; that the Aeteftation of three fuch Witne¡fes upon Earth might remove every Occafion of Doubt from the Heirs of Salvation. And wheri we confider the Bible from Beginning toEnd, viewing the Promifes ICaiah ix. 6.