Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

16z WONDERFUL. of GOD and our Neceflìties on the one hand, and con templating the Fulfillment of thofe Promifes, with the Supply of all our Wants, on the other ; it feems impoffi-- ble to believe, that any created Power or Love could undertake and perform fo ftupendous a Tafx; or that an Arm, lefs than Almighty, could accomplifh what was fore-appointed to the Redeemer. To the Eye of Faith, he appears, and will for ever appear, WONDERFUL in his Incarnation and Offices ; a COUNSELLOR of infinite Wifdom in conftruëting the Plan of Salvation ; THE MIGHTY Goo in all his Atchieveménts and ViEtories; THE EVERLASTING FATHER in his Love to his Crea- tures ; and THE. PRINCE OF PEACE, both in his Tri- umphover the Difcord of Evil, and ingiving the Peace and Confolationsof the Holy Spirit to his People. But, as there is a rich Fund of Comfort to the believing. Heart in each of thefe Names ; it may be proper to confider them diflinely ; and, while we meditate, may GOD fend us the Comfort they contain W O N D E R F U L. NO Title could, with ftriEter Propriety, be applied to the great Redeemer. Confider him in any Point of View, either as GOD or Man, or as GOD and Man in one Perfon ; he is altogether wonderful. If wecontem- plate his Works, both of Creation and Redemption ; we fhall find fome legible Characters of this WONDER- FUL LORD indelibly written upon them. All that he did, and all that he fuffered ; both to introduce an ever- lafting Righteoufnefs, and to expiate infinite Sin ; was wonderful and glorious. There is no End to the Won- ders of this precious Saviour in Heaven and in Earth. The Angels pry into and admire them ; the Devils have felt and been aftonifhed at them ; Men alone, left to themfelves, are unconcerned, and form a Wonder of a different Kind, --molt interefted of all the Creatures in the Bleffings of 7efús, they are naturally the leaft im- prefled by their Value of any. When