WONDERFUL. i63 When Chrift, the bleffed Angel of the Covenant, ap- peared toManoah, he affirmed this NameWONDERFUL : e But Manoah miftook his Character, and feared that, becaufe he had feen GOD, he fhould furely die. Thus, many Believers are diftreffed at times with Terror, left their wonderful Lord, who came to blefs and to fave, Ihould put forth his Power to dettroy them. Manoab confeffed, that he was GOD ; but feems to have for- gotten, that he was GOD the Saviour ; till his faithful Wife reminded him of the gracious Promifes, which this Saviour left behind for their Confolation. If ChrUl were a mere Man ; what poflible Right could he have to fo diflinguifhed a Title ? If he had been the fini of all the Works of GOD, he might indeed appear wonderful to the fcanty Reafen of Man ; but he could not be efl'entially and properly wonderful in Himfelf. All that is remarkable and aftonifhing in the Univerfe of Beings and Things, is entirely derived; and there mutt be a Caufe, fuperior to all, which, of Neceffiry, mutt tranfcend in Wonder. In this refpect, we mutt fay with the Poet, 2'hefe are thy glorious Works, Parent of Good, Almighty, thine this univerfal France, Thus wondrousfair : THYSELF howWONDROUS then! MILTON; The Prophet therefore Ryles him by this great Name, in Reference to his Divinity : Nor can the other Titles, which follow in this glorious Climax, be attributed,. without Blafphemy, to any Creature. The Prophet had no Thought, in this Cafe, but of his Maker; and would have been guilty of a ftrange Piece ofNonfenfe, if he had proclaimed a mere mortal Redeemer, who, notwithftanding, was to ruleand to govern without End. Such a Declaration could have afforded no Comfort to * Judg. xiii. 18. Our Tranffators have rendered ,Nt,.O in this Text Secret ; but, in Ifaiah ix. 6. theyhave tranflated ttzp Iÿoederfùl. M 2 h:s