164 WONDERFUL. his own Soul, nor have adminiftered'any Hope to GOD?s People. 1f.1faiah had known no better Redeemer than this ; he had never been able to have fuftained the Malice of his Enemies, nor couldhave patiently endured to be fawn afunder, in his old Age, for the Teftimony of JEsus. As a. Proof, that this divine Name was not mifappli- ed to the great Redeemer in the Old Teftamenr ; we find that, in the New, he conftantly exhibited his Right to the Appellation, by the Series of Miracles and Pro- digies which he wrought. Here we may behold him (to ufe the Words of yob) as GOD, wbo doeth great things-andWonders without Number : * And thefe de= monftrate him to be the LORD of Hells, wonderful in Gounfel, andexcellent inWorking. t To thefe the Apoftles Appealed as Evidences, as fupernatural and irrefiftable Evidences, ofthe Truth of theirMifliion,and the Glory of their Mafter. Signs and Wonders were continually done by his Name ;$ both in Proof of his Power in Heaven And in Earth, and of the Exaltation of his wonderful Name above all things. What ftrilces the Chriftian with more Amazement than any'thing .elfe, is, That this MIGHTY GOD íhould become a Child, fhould be born into this World, and be tormented out of it, for the Salvation of his rebel- lious Creatures. This renders the MeahWONDERFUL Indeed ! He took not on Him the Nature of Angels : That would have been a great Degradation. But he affumed the Flefh of Man, of fallen Man, of hateful and hating Man, of Man his Enemy and averfe to be his Friend. This was humbling himfelf, beyond Con- ception. If Alexander the Great, who conquered the Eaftern World, had ftooped to have given up his Life for the Prefervation of a few Ants, even after they had annoyed him ; his Condu& would have yielded but a very faint Image of the infinite Condefcenfion of JEIIUVAR-Jesus, in the Salvation of his Redeemed. Job ix. to. j Ifaiah xxviii. 29. / At iv. 3o. Let