Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

MIGHT`ï,GÖÚ. i77 .infer a Conclufion, which the Wit and Malice ofMen and Devils !hall never be able to refute. His own Difciples had many infallible Proofs ; and his Enemies were prefented with many undeniable Miracles. The Devils faw and believed ; and, while they believed; trembled from Aftonifhment and Defpair. Man, and Man alone, stood hardened and unfubdued; reffting at once the Demonftration of his out Senfes; and the folemn Declarations of the GOD of Heaven. Amaze- ment, indeed, fometimes feized the' Beholders ; but it was that Sort of Amazement, which neither (huts out Sin, nor includes Faith t And thus, eventually, thofe, who could chaotic an Hofanna to Him in one Day, could cry out in the next, with the chief Priefts and Scribes, Crucify him, Crucify him. They were amáized ttt the mighty Power of GOD ;* for they could acknow- ledge it to be no lefs : But they were not converted by it, All the Terrors, and all the Surprize, in the World; hay, the veryProfpe&ofHell, and the Foretaffe'of Dam- nation, would be utterly infufflcient of itfelf to change \the Heart, or renew the Mind. He, who fpake and all things were made ; He, whocommanded and every Creature was produced from nothing ; He, who called Lazarus and the Dead came forth ; muff exert the fame almighty Power, and make That alive to GOD, which could not indeed be laid to be nothing, but which was infinitely worfe than nothing. Never did Soul enter' intoHeaven, who had not felt the fame almighty Power wrought upon it, during its Abode upon Earth: Every Believer is a Miracle of Grace and Omnipotence, to himfelf, to Angels, to Devils. , And he who does not fee that the Work of Grace and Salvation muff be a Work of Omnipotence and Divinity, gives an Evidence both of his Ignorance of GOD, and of his own Heart. Grace is no commonBlef ug ; yet if, like the Dew from Heaven, it be not feet down freely, it can never be brought down at all. Lake ix. 43. Tht