178 MIGHTY GOD. The Apoftle had a full Idea of the Gofpel of:e/us, and the Salvation of 7efus ; when He calls Him, the' Power of GOD and the Wifdom of GOD.* He faw clearly, and confeffes openly, that nothing, but the ef- fedual Working of his Power,}- could confer, or enable him to ufe when conferred, the heavenly Gift of his Grace. He did not mingle, as force do, the Conceit of his own Free-will with the free Grace of his Mafter but, upon all Occafions, was ready to own, with the Redeemed above, Thou only art worthy, Thou only art mighty, Thou only art the Lord ! And (to ufe the Words of the pious Bithop Hall) " the Devil is in the Pulpit, « when the Prophets, or Preachers, of GOD fmother,. « or halve, or adulterate, the Meffage of their Mafter."t ChrUl will never biefs the Exaltation of a Power, which not only is not his own, but which has the Boldnefs to declare itfelf independent of Him. How delightful is this Promife of Chrj's preferving Power, to the redeemed, to the humble Soul ? The Remnant of Ifrael, andfilch as are efcaped of the Houfe ofJacob, fhall no more again flay upon him that fmote them; but(hallJtay upon JEHOVAH, the HOLY ONE of Ifrael, in Truth : The Remnant (hall return, even the Remnant of Jacob, unto the MIGHTY AL,§ the MIGHTY GOD. To which may be added this Inquiry and Ad- vice : Who is among you that feareth the LORD, that obeyeth the Voice of his Servant, that walketh in Dark - nefs and hath no Light ? Let him trufl in the NAME of the LORD, andflay upon his GOD. p Let him trot} in- deed ; for CHRIST fpeaketh in Righteoufnefs, and is MIGHTY to fave.Q Not one of his Redeemed (hall perifh for Lack of Knowledge, or through any Defi- ciency of his Power. He bought them ; and he is able to keep what he bought. A common Shepherd would not purchafe a Flock for a Portion to Wolves : And will Chrifl, the Shepherd and Bifhop of Souls t Cor. i. 24. fi Eph. iii. 7. $ Coatenp. Vol. ii. lib. iii. p. 55. § Ifaiah x. zo, zi. !l Ifaiah 1. co. al Ifaiah laiii. r. who,