Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

M I G H T Y GOD. 179 Who knows every fpiritual Wolf, who can detea the foremoft of his Devices, who has promifed to prated his Sheep, and who is ever prefent with them ; will this almighty and all-wife Saviour a& a more incdnfi- derate Part than a plain Man, or fet fo lightly by his Blood and Righteoufnefs, as to fuller the Objets of it to perifh ? The Suppofition is blafphemous, .becaufe it charges the HIGH AND LOFTY ONE With Folly. Come then, thou weak Believer, who art evergiving up the Battlè of Faith as loft ; come, and no longer contemplate thy own Wcaknefs and Infirmity, but thy Saviour's Omnipotence and Grace. 'Tis well indeed fc far to look upon thy own Infufficiency, as to be hum- bled continually under the mighty Hand of GOD ; but 'tis íti l better to look above thyfelf to the Creator of the Ends of the Earth, even to JEHOVAH, the everlcjt- ing GOD, who fainteth not neither is weary. Remem- ber his gracious Promife ; and, in the Hours of fpiri- tual Weaknefs and of inward Diftrefs, let it rife up= permoft in thy Heart : -He giveth Power to thefaint t and to them that have No Might, he increafeth Strength. Even the .Youths (hall faint and be weary, and the young Men fhall utterly fall. But they that wait upon the LORD (hall renew their Strength: they (hall mount uß with Wings as Eagles ; they (hall run and not be weary, and they (hall walk and not faint.* As none arc fo humble as thòfe, who know and experience molt of the Grace of GOD in Truth, for " the fallen and bell; Ears of Corn always hang loweft towards the Ground ;" fo none are fo fafe in themfelves, or fo fure of Viftory in all Trials, as theywho lean molt upon fefus. When Humility does not arife from a Comparifon with Chrf, or does not lead to him ; it deferves to be fufpeeled. The vileft Pride will fometimes aflame the Garb of Lowlinefs : And (what is more paradoxical) there is a Poffibility of being proud even of Humility. 'Tis not a demure Countenance, a whining Voice; or an ifaiah xl. 28, &c. affeCIecl