Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

ißz EVERLASTING FATHER. the Mercies in Store for thee ; and never-failing is his Covenant concerning thee : And if thou obtain not one Drop of Comfort on this Side the Grave ; yet nothing can deprive thee of the I3leffednefs beyond it. Arid Eternity above will furely be long enough to make amends for the light 4§litïion, which endured but fora Moment below. Lift up thy Heart then, fince the LORD is thy Helper, and fay ; Though now the Storms of Sorrow roar, And raife in Cares a troubled Sea ; Yet, when I land on yonder Shore, There will be Calm enough for mé. Why then for Tempefts fhould I carer Since they but drive me fooner there EVERLASTING FATHER. f' HE Word Father (lays anable Writer) cannot always be a Name that diftinguifhes GOD from another Perfon of GOD; but is often to be un- ' derftood as a Term of Relation between GOD and " Man : or, as a modern Divine has well exprell'ed " it A Word not intended for GOD the Father only, the Firß Perfon of the Trinity ; ` but as it is referred " unto the Creature, made and conferved by GOD ; ih f' which Senfe it appertains to the whole Trinity." ` The Prophet (where this Name occurs) is defcribing ! Cato. Doti. of a Trinity, p. 22. the