19a PRINCE OF PEACE. a Prince to give Peace, and a Prince to fecure it ¡deli- given. Yet how could he give Peace to others, -if Peace were not his own? And how could it be his own, unlefs he were the Aluthor and Source of it ? And how could he be the Author and Source of everlafting Peace; unlefs he were the omnipotent and everlafting GOD ? For, the Creation of Peace is exprefsly afcribed, by the Prophet, to JEHOVAH himfelf; or, rather, JEHO- vAts claims that diftinguithing Prerogative as his own. I am JEHOVAH and there is none elfe : Iform the Light, and create Darknefs, I MAKE PEACE and create Evil IJEHOVAH do all theft tbings.* Thus Chrill, in com- forting his Difciples, fays, PEACE I leave withyou, M t Peace 1give unto you; not as the World giveth [for a Moment] give I unto you. And, theft things I have, fpoken unto you, that IN ME ye might have Peace. Now, if the Peace of ChrUl be a fpiritùal Peace (which none perhaps will doubt of or deny), and if he could give it to whom he pleafed ; he mull be GOD who is a spirit and the Creator of Peace ; or (if he could have given it at all) he mull have given what was none of his own. But Chri t gave, becaufe Chrifi could create and ordain Peace ; and, therefore, Chrifl in the Pro- phet's Language is JEHOVAH, who only doeth all theft things. The Prophets (whatever Notions the deluded Jews /night have in fucceeding Times, or even what carnal: and nominal Ifraelites might have in their own) had no Ideas of a human Prince, or a temporal Saviour, or . a fubordinate GOD, in their Expeétation of the great; Mefah. The Word which GOD fent unto the Children of Ifrael, by their and by other Miniftrations, was a Wordpreaching Peace by Jefus Chrift, who is LORD OF He was was owned as JEHOVAH the Prince of Life4 as well as JEHOVAH the Prince of Peace. Like Melchizedek, his great Type, he was King of Salem, Ifaiah xlv. 6, 7. f Alts x, 36. Atts wA ch