Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

194 PRINCE OF PEACE. In the very Nature of Things, there can be but one pure and holy Peace (as to its Origin), however diffufed or varied into feparate Forms. The Peace of an-Arch- angel and the Peace of a Saint have fomething common to both. Whatever Advantages of Enjoyment, arifing from the Differenceof Situation. and Capacity, the one may have above the other ; their Peace is fill the fame. It is de D's Peace communicated, and freely commu- nicated, to each of them. He rules and governs that Peace, in the Mode, in the Degree, and in the Place, of its Communication. Of courfe, it is a felf-evident Pottulatum, that GOD, as the fovereign Lord of all, is the Lord and Prince of Peace. The next Propofi- tion will be equally pofitive and direct. rhe Child born and the Son given, who is the Mefah or Chrifi fpòken of by the Prophet, IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE. And the Conclufon from thefe Premiffes is as irrefra- gable as the Premiffes themfelves; namely, that CHRIST is GOD, the fovereign Lord of all. Peace, heavenly, true, and fpiritual Peace, is GOD's and, though Mil- lions of Creatures may and do enjoy it, not one of them all can beflow it upon another. What highly enhances the Worth of the Peace of GOD is, that it is not a precarious, contingent, or tem- porary Peace ; but a covenanted Peace, and an ever- lafling Confolation. Two Scriptures make this exceed- ingly plain. The Mountains fall depart, and the Hills be removed, but my Kindnefs SHALL NOT DEPART from thee [the Church,] neither (hall the COVENANT OF MY PEACE be removed, faith' the LORD, that bath Mercy upon thee.* So the Apoftle : Now our Lord yefus Chrig himfelf, and GOD even our Father, who bath loved us, and bath given us EVERLASTING CONSOLA- TION andgood Hope through Grace, comfort your Hearts. t GOD gives not his Peace, without Defign ; nor forms the Defign, without bringing it to an End. He made' an everlafling Covenant, ordered in all things and fore. Ifaiah liv. to. f z Their. ii. 16. He