Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

196 PRINCE OF PEACE. when his Spirit is diflodged from its Tenement of C1ayl, for common Senfe cannot but reafon on fuch Topics at force Seafons : the Confequence is ; he either diffipates with the World at large, or enters upon force formal Profeffton of Religion, which even the World will not difapprove. He builds for Heaven with one Hand (as he thinks), while he falutes the World with the other ; and it becomes his Maxim, to reconcile God and Mammon. But here, at length, the.Cunning of Satan and his own Ingenuity will fail him ; for, by an un- alterable Law, they are irreconcileable. He gains per- haps the World ; and the World is his Portion all the Portion he ever (hall gain. He loves the World ; and the Love of the Father, therefore, is not in him. * And as to Religion ; that, which can charm the Senfes or pleafe the Eye or the Ear of the outward Man ; that, which can flatter or raife the animal Spirits ; or that which can improve his exalted Ideas of his own Worth and Sufficiency ; is all the " Beauty of Worfhip" which he knows, or delires to know. Adecorated Pile of the exaaeft Architeéture; exquifite Paintings over a fump- tuous Altar-Piece ; the excellent Melody ofa well-toned Organ (Things indeed as to themfelves indifferent, however innocent); are the Attractions, which draw many to the Affembly, and infpire all the Devotion they ever felt. They become religious for the Entertain- ment : And, when they have been highly entertained, they fancy they have been vaftly devout. And yet this mechanical Devotion (if it deferve the Name) is the profeffed End of thefe gaudy Things: As though an Operation, by material Subftances upon the animal Senfe, was an Operation of divine Grace upon the fpiritual Faculty. . People, upon this Ground, may in- deed be Religionills ; but they muff have an Untlionfrom the Holy One to be Chriftians. Here Iies the grand Miftake; and this conftitutes the Abufe of outward Circumftances. Many fuppofe, that they have Power * 1 John ii. i5. and