Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

PRINCE OF PEACE: 197 and Will of their own to raife up their Hearts to GOD in a religious Duty, and that GOD will approve of thefe natural Exertions, upon the fimple Confideration of their Will defigning, or the Duty done. But the Truth is : As nothing is holy or acceptable to GOD; but what procedes from himfeif; fo thefe Services, pro- ceding from finful Creatures, irrefpeétive of the divine Grace, and uncondu&ed by the divine Spirit, are, how- ever fplendid, yet, abfolutely Sins in his Sight. No- thing afcends to GOD, but what firft del-tended from Him. And it is a wretched Proof of real Holinefs or Life in the Soul, when the Man requires thefe external Ornaments for Afifances in Worship, or Helps to De- votion. They are abundantly more likely to draw the Heart from GOD, than to lead it to Him. When the Beauty of Holinefs, through the Agency of the Divine Spirit, is impreiied on the Chriftian's Soul; though he will always think, that no Place can be too fplendid for the Worship Of GOD, he will never forget, that all the Splendor in the World cannot add to or promote his Service and Glory. A Cottage, with Chrift in it, is far tnore refplendent in Reality than aPalace without Him; and, becaufe He brings his Peace with Him, infinitely more happy. One fhort Remark or two fhall conclude this Efay; If Cbrif be the Prince of Peace, his People furely ought to be the Children of Peace. GOD bath called them to Peace: And, therefore, when a Difpolition appears among Profefï'ors rather to difpute and cavil; or to fet up one Man's Opinion and pull down another's ; or to form into idle Seéts and Parties : It is a demon- fixable Proof, that, if there be any true Life in the. Soul, it is very weak and low, and that finch Perform have not very frequently followed the Pfalmitt's Advice; Commune with your own Hearts in your Chamber, and be fill. To bear and forbear with his Fellow-Chriltians, is as much the Believer's Duty, as to contend earneftly for the Faith againft the World. If the Peace ofGOD ruled more in their Hearts ; Profeflbrs would not feek, 3 by