198 PRINCE OF PEACE. by enforcing their own narrow Opinions, to rule over each other. To impofe non- ellkntial Sentiments with Fury, is one thing; and to maintain the Truths of GODwith. Zeal, is another. We are always to court Peace, fo far as it can be obtained upon any Founda- tion of Truth and Grace. Luther well Paid ; " Charity beareth all Things; Faith' nothing." We are by no Means to part with the Truth for all the Peace in the World ; but we are to feek Peace confifently with it. If Differences arife, which do not affe& the Funda- mentals of the Gofpel : The Faith of the Gofpel leads us to Charity ; and Charity bids us overlook the Dif- ferences. As to profeffed Heretics, or Debafers cf the Gofpel; withfuch the Apoftle enjoins us npteven to eat. The Condut of the primitive Chriftians, than whom none fignalized themfelves more in Love to the Brethren, affords us an Example, with refpe& to thofe who main- tain pernicious Opinions. 14'larcion the Heretic, meet- ing Polycarp in the Street, and refenting his Omiffion of faluting him, called out to him; '° Polycarp, own f' us :" The good Man replied, " I do own thee to be the firft-born of Satan." So religioully cautious (fays Ireneus) were the Apoftles and their Followers, not fo much as by Difcourfe to communicate with any, who did adulterate and corrupt the Truth. * We may, ac- cording to the Apoffle, and we muff, have Intercourfe with the World at large ; but we ought to have no Communication with thofe, who, for the Truths of the Gofpel,, introduce the Dotirines of Devils. In fhort, happy are thofe redeemed ones, who rightly divide that Word of Truth for their own Comfort, without divid- ing among themfelves ! For, The Fruit of Righteoufnefx is fawn in Peace of them, that make Peace, Dr. CAVE in vit. folycarp. MESSIAH,