Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

r MESSIAH, CHRIST, OR ANOINTED. 199 M E S S I AH, CHRIST, OR ANOINTED.. T will fcarce be difputed, but by 7ews, that this Title, in the emphatical Senfe, pertains to ;fetus of Nazareth, who, with refpeft to his human Nature, was anointed and confecrated by JEHOVAH to be the Saviour and Deliverer of his People. Whatever gracious Offices 7efus affumed in their behalf, he was anointed and de- legated to them by JEHOVAH. And being a Perlon in JEHOVAH arrayed in the Flefh "of Man, he was able to perform every Office and every Covenant-Engagement, with Perfe&ion and Certainty. He did not take up the Chara&er at random, nor execute the Bulnefs by halves. The Weaknefs of the human Nature was made equal to every gracious Undertaking, through its Con- junftion with the divine. His effentdal Divinity both ftrengthened and purified the Humanity. As the holy Oil, under the Law, confecrated certain Perfons to particular Offices ; fo the holy Unction of Chrift's Di- vinity communicated to his Humanity all thofe Glories and Perfeftions, which exalted the Name of jefus above every Name, and qualified him to be a fit Mediator be- tween GOD and Man. 0 4 The