Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

20o MESSIAH, CHRIST, OR ANOINTED. The mediatorial Office of the Lord Jefus Chrf was typified by many Ceremonies under the jewifh Oeco- nomy, and particularly by the Confecrationof the High-, ? rieft, of Kings, of Prophets, and of the Tabernttçle; all which were defigned eminently to prmfigure one or other of the important Purpofes of his appointed Mif- fion. Rightly under$ood, they concentered in Chrift and were fpecially defigned to convey (as it were) an Hiftory of his Grace to his chofen People. The Higb- Prieft wasconfecrated to his myflical Office by an Unction with thematt Holy Oil,* which was poured upon his Head in fo copious a Manner, as to run down upon the Beard, and even to the Skirts of his Garments. It was like the Dew of Hermon (íá.ys the Pfalmift) defcending upon the Mountains of Zion. -j- Inferior Priefts were only fprinkled with this Oil, mixed with the Blood of the Sacrifice, intimating, that the Spirit was poured out without Meafure (becaufe of his Infinitude) upon Jefus; but in Meafure (becaufe they are Veffels of fmall Capacity) upon his People. Blood for Atonement was neceffary for them, as well as Oil for Confecration. Thus was Chrift anointed with the Oil ofGladnefs above his Fellows ;$ i. e. above thofe, who poffeffed with him a Fellowfhip Or Similarity of Office, as Types of him- * Exod. xxix. 7. xxx. 30. t Pfalm cxxxiii. 2, f. There tnuft appear a peculiar Beauty in this Simile to thofe, who are at all acquainted with the Charográphy of What is called the Holy Land: And, perhaps, the Allufion of the Pfalmift, and other Alluions in Scripture, cannot be well under- flood, without fome Knowledge of it. Mount Hermon is defcribed to be one ofthe higheft Mountains (ifnot thebig-heft) in that Country, and, though in a Region fo near the Northern Tropic, iu always co- vered with Snow. The Clouds, which lay upon its Summit, and which ufuallydo lay in the hotteft Countries upon the Summits of very high Mountains, " being brought by the North Winds to 7e- rufalem, caufe the Dews to fall plentifully upon the Hills of Zion." A beautiful Illuftration this, fromNature, of the Graceof Chet', who is as the Dew unto Ifrael; and who, like the lofty Mount of Hermon, colleéìs the Clouds, which repleuilh With! Moifture the little Hills beneath. See Dr. Pococxs's Travels in the Eaft. Vol. ii. Part. i. c. xviii. Pfalttt xlv. 8. feI£