MESSIAH, CHRIST, OR ANOINTED. tot (elf. Aaron was anointed High-Prieft ; Saul was anoint- ed King; Ela was anointed Prophet; Melchifedeck, King and Prieft ; Mofes, Prieft and Prophet ; David, King and Prophet : yet none was ever anointed to the Union and Comprehenfion of all thefe Offices together, but the Chrf of GOD. Kings were anointed, oc confecrated, to their Office by the Command of GOD. This exhibits a Lefïbn of that peculiar Care of public Piety and their own private Holinefs, which Perfops, fo eminently advanced by the great King of Kings, ought ever to have, both in their perfonal Conduct, and in the Adminiftration of their great Affairs. They fhould exceed others as much in Honor and Santîity of Character, as in Dignity and Rank of Office. In this Line of Duty, they bid the faireft to fecure their own Happinefs, and the general Welfare of their Subjeas. Thus Chrift, who is the only Potentate in the fpiritual World, was confecrated to be the King of his People, and was anointed King in Zion ; * and has proved, Rill proves, and will for ever prove, that he has not been anointed to. a Title without Power, but to a Dominion, founded in Viaory over his Enemies, and in the Salvation and Bleffednefs of his Redeemed. He reigns a King upon his Throne, far above all the 1Vloleftation of Evil. Prophets alto were confecrated by theHoly Oil to fpeak in the Name of the Lord to his People lfrael. This out- ward Sign taught them, and may teach :s, that no man can fpeak from the Lord, but he who is anointed with his Holy Spirit, or fay that JEsus is (his) LORD (knowing him to be his) but by the Holy Ghoft. Chrift, In like manner, was well-appointed to this Office of the everlafting Covenant; for the SPIRIT JEHOVAH was upon him, and ANOINTED him to preach good Tidings to the meek, to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim Liberty to the Captives, and the Opening of the Prifon to them that are bound. -j-' GOD anointed fefus ofNazareth, Pfalm ii. 6, -f Ifaiah lxi. i. and Luke 1v. 18. hays