Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

202 MESSIAH, CHRIST, ort ANOINTED. fays the Apoftie, with the Holy Ghoft and with Power,* for the Execution of this gracious Office. And He ' prophefied faithfully, was believed on in the World, and is received up into Glory. The Tabernacle, and all things therein, were anointed and confecrated with the Holy Oil: t they were thereby fantlified and made moll holy; and fo holy, that what- foever touched themwas holy. This is a beautiful Em- blem of that true Tabernacle, which GOD pitched among Men, even yefus ; who is not only anointed with the Plenitude of the Spirit of Grace in himfelf, but com- municates the facred Unftion to all that are in him, and even to thofe who, by the weakeít Hand of Faith, do (as it were) but touch him. The very Hem ofhis Gar- ment cured a Difeafe of the Body ; I and there is a faving Virtue, continually iffuing from him, to fandtify and heal his People's Souls. There is a Holinefs alfo in all the Concerns of the Children of GOD, which they .undertake in Faith ; and the meaneft Things in Life, when appropriated to them, are made holy Mercies and Covenant-Bleflings. O how fhould this urge them to lean faithfully in all Things upon their GOD ; to exercife their leverai Vocations with an Eye to his Glory ; and to make all their Profits, Honors, and Advantages depend, in the fweeteft Submiflion, upon his holy Will ! We íhould not hear fuch Murmurings among Chriftians themfelves, nor fuch Complainings againft them by others. All things would make them, in fome Meafure, happy ; becaufe obtained in Faith And the croffeft Providences would be the Meansof ren- 'dering them holy; becaufe endured with Refignation. There would be nothing common or unclean to them, if it was fantlified by the Word of GOD and Prayer, an4 received with Thankfgiving : But every thing muff be offenfive and impure, even the molt religious Duties of the ftraiteft Pharifaic Sett; if they pafs untouched by Aéts x. 38. fi Exod. xxx. z6, &c. $ Matt. ix. zo. the