MESSIAH, CHRIST, OR ANOINTED. 203 the purifying Finger * of the great High -Prieft of God. Jefus, our Hope, is JEHovAH's Meah. -j- He be. same Jefus, affuming human Flefh, for the fake of his People; and as jefus, or the Saviour, was anointed or became Cbrift,, to complete their Salvation. What wonderful Love is implied under this Term to poor Sinners ! He was, and is, and ever will be, the anointed One for their Sakes. The holy Son Jefus, was anointed by Jehovah, to comfort theft that mourn in Zion, to give them Beauty for Afhas, the Oil of Joy for Mourning, the Garment of Prai/e for the Spirit of Heavinefs, that they may be called Trees of Righteoufnefs, the planting of JE- HOVAH, that he may be glorified. § With what Joy. and Celerity did Andrew run to meet his Brother Peter, and with what a beautiful Abruptnefs did he tell him ; We havefound the MESSIAH ? The Meffagewas too welcome to be locked up ; and doubtlefs Andrew, like molt other young Converts, would have been glad to commu- nicate what- he knew, and impart what he felt, to all the World. The Gofpel of yefus opens the Heart, and, in proportion to its Influence, banifhes the fordid Love of Self from the believing Soul, As Chrift, refpefting his Perfon of Man- mediator, received the Unftion of Jehovah, typified by the Ufe of the anointingOil ; fo hecommunicates that Unftion to his People. He is, their Head of Influence, of Grace, and of Glory, in all refpe&s. By his divine Nature, he has a Right to bellow his Mercies, on whom He pleafe ; and, throughhis humanNature, he does con- vey them to his Chofen. Hence he is their LORD and their Goo. The Apoftle John fays to the Church, That CHRIST, Anointing, which they received, they received cf who promifed them eternal Life. p But the Lev. xvi. 14, 19. t PfaIm ü. 2. The Hebrew Word MESSIAH is the fame with the Greek Xpsra,, CHRIST, and literally fignifies ANOINTED. $ Alts iv. 27. § Ifaiah lxi, 3. j! 1 John ii. 20. Apoftic