MESSIAH, CHRIST, OR ANOINTED. 2(5 one with Chrift, and who feel the healing Influences of his Spirit in their Souls ? They obtain a Life from him, with which they were not born ; and which, becaufe it is his Life, can never be deftroyed. As the Oil, which was poured upon .garon, was fo copioufly poured as to run down to the Skirts of his Clothing; fo the Unfion of the Holy One was fo abund- ant, that from him, as the Head, it ever has and ever will run down to the meaneft and weakeft Believers. It will run down even to thofe, who feem to be as the loweft and moft trailing Borders of his Garments. If the Hem of Chri is Garment was efficacious through Faith to heal the difeafed Woman ; fhall not thofe, who form a Part of himfelf, feel Deliverance from the Malady of Sin, and be Partakers indeed of his Holi- nefs? What an exalted Creature, in this view is the Chrif tian indeed ? What Privileges is he born to (hare ? What Honor and Dignity is he made to enjoy ? To reflex, that fuch a Feld, and fuch a Veffel of Clay, as he is, fhould be anointed with the Holy Oil of GOD's moft gracious Spirit, and thereby be confecrated and fee apart for the Mafter's Ufe ; yields a Rank of Exalt- ation and Bleffednefs, which all the Ability ofMan can neither comprehend nor exprefs. But farther to refie&, that, beyond this papve Defcription of Holinefs and Reit, the Believer is intended for an attive Share in Chrift's Adminiftration and Kingship (for the Saints, among other things, (halljudge the World ; -j-) is a Præ- eminence and a Glory, which neither the Intelle& of Angels, without Revelation, could have conceived ; nor the Eloquence of Angels, without a fuperior Affift- ance, have defcribed. How then fhould the humble Believer's Heart rebound with Joy, in the Contempla- tion of the exuberant Bleffednefs, that awaits him ? Surely, this is Wonderand Love, indeed, beyond De- gree. Wonder without End to Angels ; and Love with- i Hèb. xii; to. f t Cor. vi. z. Out