206 MESSIAH, CHRIST, OR ANOINTED. out End to Men. How fhould the Praifes of this adorable Meiliab live upon each believing Heart, and afcend from each redeemed Tongue ! The Believer's very Silence, as well as his Voice, thould praife Him; and when his Tongue is not heard, his LIFE fhould be more than eloquent, and declare, by the molt con- vincing Argument, the Glories of his great Immanuel, He fhould give confiant Proofs of the Reality of that Power, which alone could enable him, with Truth, to bring forth Fruits unto GOD. Indeed, OChrjian, it will be thy Regret when thou art lifted to Heaven, if Regret can pofably enter there, That thou lovedft thy anointing GOD with fuch Languor, and honored Him with fuch Poverty ofPraife, in the World below, Thou wilt then fee clearly, even when bleffed beyond the Senfe of CompunEtion, what horrid Ingratitude, Unbelief, and Unconcern, poffeffed thy Heart in a thou- fand Infiances ; when that Heart thould have been exulting with the molt lively Praife. Thou wilt then fee, more than thou cants fee now, what a bafe Rebellion of Will often lay lurking, like a Toad or a Serpent, in thy Soul, agàinf the Will of Him, who willed nothing but Love, and Mercy, and Salvation to Thee. Thou wilt fee it, and rejoice in that abundant Grace, which triumphed over all the Oppofition of thy Nature, and fafely condufted thee to thy GOD. Let this Confidera- tion fiimulate thee now, with a holyEarneftnefs, to live to his Honor, to think for his Glory, and to do all things, which thou art enabled to do, to convince thy own Confcience and to convince'the World ; That this Holy Oil has not been fhed upon thy Soul for nought, and that thou doff not bear, without a gracious Right, the, dignified Title and Appellation of CHRISTIAN ! JESUS,