JESUS, OR SAVIOUR. 2©7 JESUS, OR SA.VI©URe THIS is the Name, which peculiarly affords in- ei}imable Comfort and Peace to the believing Mind, and which, therefore, can never be too much confidered by thofe, who hope to (hare in the Blefïings, which He, who bare it, bath brought into the World. In the Name of Jrsus the whole Gofpel lies hid : it " is the Light, Food, and Medicine ofthe Soul." JESUS literally lignifies a SAVIOUR. It includes fo much in its Idea, when applied to the Mel3ìah, that no one Word in any Language can fully exprefs it. The Meaning however is, in this Application, that he de- livers from all Evil, preferves to all Good, and main- tains the Obje&s of his Salvation, in a State of Security andBleffednefs, fen. ever. This Title, fo emphatically expref ive of Redemp- tion by the Eternal SON, was appointed to his human Nature, before it was conceived in the Womb.. An Angel from Heaven announced his Appearance on Earth ; * and, commifì'ioned by the ALMIGHTY, gave him that bleffed Name, which is above every Name; that in the Name of JESUS every Knee Jhould bow, of Beings in Heaven, and Beings in Earth, and Beings un- der the Earth ; and that every 2'onguefhould confefs that ffi Luke i. 31. ESÌJS