208 JESUS, OR SAVIOUR. JESUS is LORD, in the Glory of GOD the FATHER. s# After his Birth, we find the Multitude of the heaven Hgfl attending (as it were) the Angel's Embaffy ;_ an Embaffy, made not to proud and lofty Mortals, but to humble Men ; on purpofe to declare that folem i Meflage of abundant Joy, that unto them was born, in the City of David, the SAVIOUR, which is CHRIST the LORD. t By the Senfe, in which both the Angel who fpake, and in which Mary and the Shepherds who heard, un- derftood this Name, we may learn, that it was nleam't to convey an Idea of the utmoft Importance. GOD had raifed up Saviours to his People, for temporal Pur- pofes, on many Occafions ; and they received that honorable Appellation,- as eminent Inftruments of his providential Salvation. But it could, with noTruth or Propriety, be faid of any one of thefe, That he was the Saviour, the Loun ; or, in other Words, that he was a Saviour in the Plenitude of his own Power, and that his own Arm alone could bring Salvation to him. Now, as no niere Man could be thus emphatically jefas, or the Saviour, for want of Power and Capacity to execute the Bufinefs of Salvation fo Deity alone, though called a Saviour in many Parts of Scripture, could not be the Saviour, in the ftrid Senfe, intended for the Recovery of finful Man; besaufe that Saviour was to be born of a Virgin, and to become a MAN of Sorrows, and acquainted with Grief. He muff be Man ,v Phil. ii. 9, to, I I: Es Teo óvo¡cáh, in the Name of Jesus, every Knee fhould bow; i. e. Worfhip and Adoration fhould be made by all the intellefìual Beings (or Creatures endued with capable Facul- ties) to 7efus ChrUi. V. Ijaiah xlv. 23. The Word Things, in our Tranflatien, feems to imply, or at leaft to include, inanimate Crea- tures ; which is neither in the Original, nor agreeable to the Spirit ofit. But, as if the Apoftle had not fufficiently expreffed the divine Glory ofhis Mailer, he adds, That every Tongue fhduld confefi that JESUS is LORD (ciç So$av) IN the Glory of Gon the FATHER. Thus Novatianus renders the Words, and draws from them an unanfwer- able Argument of the Saviour's Divinity. De Trin. c. xxii. Hilary, in his Expofition of the 138th Pfalm, ufes the fame Reading. - fi Luke ii. 11. as