JÉ5US, oii SAVIOUR. 269 ds well as GOD, and GOD as well as Man ; or he could not be the Saviour, anointed to redeem, and the Holy One of Ifrael, mighty to fave. But this Saviour, being BOTH in one Perfon, was capable of fuffering what it was neceffary to fuffer ; and of performing what- ever was given him to do. His Birth and Sufferings were Proofs of his Humanity ; his. Miracles and Re- furreétion, ofhis effential Divinity. The Prophets and Church of GOD, before the Sa; viour's Manifeftation in the Flefh, were neither ignorant of the Grandeur of his Perfon, nor infenfible of the Riches of his Grace. They lived in the Remembrance of his Mercy to their Fathers, by the Revelation of his holy Covenant to them; and manyof themwere bleffed with particular Experiences of his Salvation in their Bodies and Souls.. They had not, indeed, the full Blaze of Light, and fenfible Manifeftation, with the Apoftles ; * but they found Beams of his Glory, in the Shadows of the Law and in particularDifcoveries of his Word, fuf icient tomanifeft the Nature of his Perfon, and the Security of their eternal Life in his Mediation. In Proof, that they knew the Divinity of his Perfon, and that his Divinity was the Obje& of their Faith and Expeétation, two or three Arguments, drawn from their Scriptures, may convince us. I, even I, am JEHovAH, and betdes me there is no Sa- vicar. t But CHRIST is the Saviour ; and, therefore, Chrift is Jehovah. I Jehovahthere is no ,GOD elfe betides me, a ;juji GOD, and a Saviour, there is none befsdes me. $ But Jefus Chrift is the Saviour; and, therefore, he is JE. xovAH, GOD, and a jolt GOD. No wonder then, that the Apoftles fhould call the Saviour, GOD, fo often and fo earneftly. § Some of the grandeft Titles of the Almighty are joined, in the Old Tettament, with this Denomination Matt. xiii. 17. f Ifaiah 'did. 3. # Ifaiah xlv. zP. § t Tim. i. i. Titus i. 3. z Pet. i. í. Jude. 25. Et al. P of