2 t JESUS, OR SAVIOUR. of Saviour, in order to thew that the Saviour was Al- mighty. He is ftyled, Jehovah the Saviour, Al the Saviour, Alehim the Saviour, Holy One the Saviour, Mighty One the Saviour, Redeemer the Saviour, Hope ofIfreel the Saviour.* The very Reafon of the Saviour's Name is, in itfelf, an evident Indication of the Divinity of his Perfon. His Name was to be JESUS; for (laid the Angel to Jo- feph) he(hallfave his Peoplefrom their Sins. + Now, can any one believe, upon the very Principles of Reafon and Common Senfe, or contrary to the clearelt Teíti- monies from the Word of GOD ; That a mere Crea- ture, be He whom He may, could have a People pecu- liar to himfeif, a People gathered in all Ages out of every Kindred, Nation and Tongue ; and that He, by the Dint of created Might, could fave fuch an immenfe Multitude, as tranfcends-all the Computation of Man; and not only fave them, but fave themwith an everlaft- ing Salvation, $ refcuing them from infinite Evils, and conferring upon them an infinite Good ? He, who, pro.. felling himfeif a Chriftian, can fly in the Face ofReafon, of Scripture, and of GOD himfeif ; by thus deliberately pronouncing JEsus, who hath completed this im- menfe Undertaking, either a created Being, or lels than the omnipotent GOD ; feems to have run the full Length of Abfurdity and Blafphemy at once. Such an one merits to be confidered, in a fpiritual Senfe, as the Hofea xiii. q.. Ifaiah xiv. zl. xliii. 3. xlix. z6. Jer. xiv. 8. j. Matt. i. zi. fee alto Ads iv. 12. If.3iahxiv. 17. Sometimes the Saviour is called SALVATION itfelf in the Abftrat, which implies that all Salvation is only by Him. Thus, for inftance,. Moles fang ; The LORD is beeome 'my SALVATION, Exod. xv. z. lfaiah xii. 2. And good old Simeon; Mme Eyes have fien shy SALVATION, i. e. the anointed Saviour. Luke ii. 3o. There are many Paffages, in the Old Teftament, where the Words, " GOD of my Salvation," might better have been rendered, " GOD my-Salvation." Companion