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212 JESUS, tilt SAVIOUR. when he received an infallible Proof of his Divinity, by his Refurreftion from the Dead. Paul teftified of his Saviour, as of Him, who ss over all, GOD bleffed for ever. * He fays of him, that HE is before all things : HE IS, i. e. he eternally exifts, did eternally exift, and for ever fhall ; becaufe all things are prefent withGOD. He adds, that by Him all things confifl ; f i. e. are main- tained in their Exiftence by his Power. yohn, who knew and who loved his Mafter well, fays ; That all things were made by him, and, without him, was not any thing made that was made.t He further declares, in another place, That this is the Record of GOD, that GOD hath given to us [Believers] eternal Life; and this Life is IN HIS SON; and that there are three Witnefl'es to this Record in Heaven, the FATHER, the WORD, and the HOLY GHOST ; and thefe THREE are ONE. § He again fpeaks of him in Union with the Godhead ; call- ing him the true Gon, ji and adding, Hereby perceive we the Love of GOD, becaufe HE laid down his Lifefor ús.¶ What others performed, through Faith in his Name, declares him to be the Objebî of Faith, and in confe- quence. ntially divine. The Ads of the Apoftles,. ex- hibiting`if1'any incontrovertible Teftimonies of an Al- mighty Power attending them, is an unfurmountable Proof of the Divinity of their Mafter. This Mafter, they profefled, was Jefus; and this Jefus was their GOD. They worfhipped him as fuch; and defired only to live to his Glory. But, great as the Evidences from the bleffed Apoftles undoubtedly are, and multiplied as they might be abundantly, the Witnefs of GOD is greater than thefe : For he receivedfrom GOD the Father Honour and Glory, when there came fuch a Voice to Himfrom the ex- cellent Glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleated.** And, in another Place, the Father Pays to "Rom. ix. 5 fi Got. John i. 3. § r John v. 7, z. 11 t John v. zó. 9 z John iii.`1 ó. !* 1 Pet. i. f7. Flim,