Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

JESUS, 0 SAVIOUR. 2 r 3 Him,Thy throne, 0GOD, is for everand ever ; aScepter of Righteoujnefs is de Scepter of thy Kingdom.* No Words in the World, nor any Ideas of Words, can more mag nificently\ exprefs or conceive the of ential primmval Divinity of the everlafting SON, than thefe. Thus we have the Teftimony of Men, of Angels, and ofGOD, all corroborating the Evidence of his own FaEts and Words ; that Jefas Chr, the Saviour of Sir.ners, is JEHOVAH in human Flefh, and the ever- bleffedLORD fromHeaven. They, who refufe to receive this Multitude of Proof; may be compared to Men, who rejeht the Light of the Meridian Sun, and chufe to dwell in the Darknefs 'and Gloom of fome ever-be- nighted Cell. It is a RejeÉtion, that cannot poffibly a$òrd a Moment's true Peace or Pleafure ; but it will undoubtedly enfure, if it remain, fooner or later, Tonic fad Confederations of Horror. To undeify Chriji, is to deny Him ; and whofoever (hall deny Him before Men, him will He alfo deny before his Fathr,,r, which is in Heaven, t In this Denial of Chril as GOD and LORD, is virtually included a Denial of the whole of Chriftianity ; for he, who gives up the Divinity of Jefas, gives up the whole Hope of Salvation by Him. He leaves the Way of Safety, which GOD's Word has marked out, and be- takes himfelf to the Wilds ofDeifn, and all the intricate Mazes of Infidelity, for a Peace which he will never find there, and for a Support which they cannot yield him. They who rejeft the divine Perforrof Chrit (laid an eminent Divine t), who believe it not, who difcern not the Wifdom, Grace, Love and Power of GOD therein; do conftantly rejeEt or corrupt all other fpiritual Truths of divine Revelation. Nor can it otherwife be ; for they have a Confiftency' only in their Relation to the Myftery of Godlinefs, GOD manifeji in the I-'.'cih, and from thence derive their Senfe and Meaning. This be- ing removed; the Truth, in all other Articles of Re- +' H4, i, $. j- Matt. x. 33, I Dr. Oavur. P 3 ligion,. sk.