Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

214. JESUS, OR SAVIOUR, ligion, immediately falls to the Ground." . If f efus be not an Almighty Saviour, he is not the Saviour whom the Scriptures defcribe, nor the Saviour whom his People's Neceffities require : And, if he be an Almighty Saviour, he muff neceffarily be GOD fupreme, uncreated, and eter- nal. In the former Cafe; to pay Adoration to him, as Chriftians do, would be the grofleft Idolatry, andequal to that ofthe Heathens. In the latter Cafe ; the Believers in Jefus are confiftent with the Principles of Reafon and common Senfe, and (what is of more Confequence) with divine Revelation; when they attribute their whole Salvation to his Love and Power, and confide in Him for every Grace and Bleflìng of Time and Eternity. So much really depends upon this important Truth, even all our Hopes and Comforts here and hereafter, that we may be forgiven, if, as Men and as Chriftians, we again and again infiífi upon it, And it is the more neceffary at this Time, lince one awful Prophecy ferns to be fulfilling, that there (hall be falfe Teachers among GOO's profeffing People, who privily (or deceitfully) fhall 'bring in damnable Herefies, even denying the LORD that bought them.* Such are described, as intruding into thole things which they have not feen, or as under- ftanding neither what they fay, nor whereof they affirm And the Reafon follows, becaufe they are vainly puff up by their flefbly Mind, and HOLD NOT THE HEAD, which is CHRIST. They meddle with divine things in. a Spirit, which, becaufe it is not of GOD, can only lead them affray. Their Souls are unmortified with any real Conviftions of their own Sin and Mifery ; their Hearts are untouched with any Love of Chrift; their Minds are not illuminated by his Spirit ; and they have, therefore, no true Perception of the things, about which they talk and write. If they felt their own Mifery and law their own Sin; they would hide their diminutive Heads in the Dull of Self-abhorrence, and ' z Pet. ii. 1. leek