JESUS, OR SAVIOUR: 215 Peek for an uncreated Arm alone to deliver them. If they. loved yefus, they would honor Him (as he com- inanded) even as the Father. If they were. taught by the Spirit of Truth, they would receive the Things of fefus,which that Spirit himfelf receivethfrom 7efus,* and mutt rejoice in his eternal Power and Godhead. 'Tis from the want of this, that they grope in the Noon Day of the molt refplendent evangelical Truths, as in the dark Night t of fpiritual Ignorance and Superftition. Indeed, it may be laid down for a Rule in the divine Life, ap- plicable `to this and every other Cafe among Men, That the Knowledge and Illufhration of GOD's Word by the Illumination of the Spirit ; and the Spirit's Application of that Word to the State and Wants of the Soul ; can alone make the frequent,Perufal of the Bible a profit- able anda delightful Study. Without thefe gracious Operations, the facred Scriptures are not only a Pealed Book, utterly incomprehenfible in its molt elfential Parts ; but mutt be a dry, uninterefting, Speculation to any Mind, though naturally ingenious and inquifitive. Thus it is often feen, that when Men, unenlightened by this heavenly Grace, attempt to unravel the Myfteries of the Kingdom, $ or to break the Seals of this Book they only propagate the Illufions of their own Minds, anel darken (if not difgrace) the Truths they meant to explain. Far otherwife is it with the faithful and truly awakened Soul. He fees, that he can know nothing, and do nothing, with refpeft to fpiritual Things, but by 7efus Chrift. Such a Perfon hath been made favingly ac- quainted with the natural Blindnefs of his own Mind, the utter Apoftacy of his own Heart, and the furious Rebellion of his own Will, in all that GOD is, and in all that GOD requires. And, when He is convinced of this, he is convinced too, that nothing can refcue him from the Depravity of his own Nature, the Allure- ments of . the World, and the powerful Sedu&ions of john xvi, i4. t Job. y. i4. I Mark iv. II. Satan,