Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

Qtg JESUS, OR SAVIOUR. Satan, but what is divine. He is brought to fee, that the very Means, which the Bible defcribes concerning his Deliverance from the Wrath to come, could not have been propofed but by infinite Love, nor provided but by omnipotent Power. He is perfuaded, that the Conqueft of fuch and fo many Enemies, with whom jefus had to do, could not have been even the Under- taking of a created Being; and that the very Natúre and Perpetuity of Salvation itfelf, together, with the ef- feftual and constant Application of it to Myriads of be- lieving Souls, proclaim its Accomplifher infinite and eternal. This internal Evidence, concurring with the external Proof from the Word, and the fimilar Ex- perience of Chriflians in all Ages, gives the Heart a Demonftration of the Godhead of yefirs, which the Malevolence of Devils, or the Sophiftry of Men, is unable to confute or remove. They might fooner de- ftroy the molt undeniable Evidences of Senfe, than impugn this. heart -felt ConviStion,' and this irrefiftible Deduaion, given to the Believer, from the Word and Spirit of the,everlafting GOD. How full of Comfort then mutt this precious Name be, to every fincere, to every humble, Soul! JExova,x became 7efus, that he might, confiftently with all his glorious Attributes and Perfeftions, fave his People from their Sins. As refus, bearing our Nature, he could be touched with the Feeling ofour Infirmities, and was in all Points tempted like as we are, yet without Sin. * He could offer up himfelf without Spot to GOD in our ftead, and purge awayour Sins by the willing Sacrifice of himfelf. Tendernefs accompanied all he did ; and all he laid was Love. As febovah ; he was able to of eEtuate every Purpofe of his Grace ; to fupport his human Frame; to crown it with perpe- tual Conqueft; and to bring in, by a Merit which could gladden Heaven, an everlalting Salvation for his Chofen. How then fhould the delightful Theme of * deli. ip. IS. GOD