JESUS, OR SAVIOUR. 217 GODmanifeft in the Flefh, be the true Believer's prefent Study ; fince it is, and muff be, the conftant Spring and Bails of his eternal Hopes! What grateful Senfe fhould he entertainof that Saviour, who could condefcend to love, to bleed and to die, for a Rebel, an Outcaft, a Worm? How fhould fuch an one difcover his Love to Jefas (as efus difcovered his Love to him), by the Humility of is Heart, and by the Aétions of his Life? Lively Love and lively Faith, according to Meafure and Time, are ever produétive of gracious Words and holy Deeds. fhefe are the true and genuine Proofs, that Chrifz's Love is flied abroad in the Heart, and that the Holy Gho/t, in his gracious Operations, is really given to the Soul. He, that lives by Jefus, will not only be like Him, but mutt live for Him and to Him. There is no End of the Bleffednefs, which is annexed to a Life of Faith and Love in Jefus Chrj. Whatever can be experienced of it below, is nothing more than an Earneft, a Token, or a Pledge, of unmeafurable Glory beyond the Skies. Here, it is appointed us, to follow the Captain of our Salvation through Sufferings : There, Enjoyment will be our Privilege, and the richeft Blifs of GOD our Portion. Now, we are to find, that without are Fightings, and within Fears : Then, every Fear shall be done away, and nothing but Joy, eternal Joy, fhall be upon our Heads. In this Life, we ex- perience a continued Variety,of Evils, which diftrefs or diftraEl our mortal Frame : In the Life to come, we fhaIl feel an unmolested Peace, and participate, -with- out Mixture and without Difmay, the Pleafures that are at GOD's Right Hand for evermore. And, if all this be obtained by the Merit, and fecured by the Power, ofJasus ; how ought they, for whom it is thus obtained and fecured, in their Souls to magnify the LORD, and in their Spirits to rejoice in GOD their SAVIOUR ! This will be the Burden of every Anthem in Heaven ; and it will be their Delight, their With, and their, Work, to begin their never-ending Celebrations of his Praife, while they remain upon Earth. 'Tis