218 R E D E E M E R . 'Tis 7efus fills their Hearts below With holy Faith and fervent Love: From 7efus all their Joy íhall flow, In the bleft Realms of Light above. Jefis, his Love, his Grace, his Name, Pour Gladnefs round the heav'nly Throng: Tbefe all their golden Harps proclaim; Theft fwell the Notes of ev'ry Song. R E D E E M K R. HE very Term Redemption proefuppofes Lofs or Forfeiture ; and, applied to Man in the holy Scriptures, implies his merited Lofs of the Favor of GOD, and the legal Forfeiture of his Title to all the Blefl"ings and Happinefs, which his Nature is capable of enjoying. This Forfeiture was occafioned by the Sin and Rebellion of his firft Parents, by which their Blood was attainted, their Pofterity polluted, and both together became corrupt and corruptible, without Help and without Hope. They and their Defcendents were incapable of recovering what was loft; becaufe their very Strength and Delire to accomplilh Righteoufnefs, vanished in the fame Moment with their Righteoufnefs itfelf. Their Wills, Powers, AffeEions, and every other Faculty both mental and corporeal, were turned another way : the Light of Truth was extinguithed within them ; and they had no Propenfity in their whole