R E D E E M E R . 219 whole Nature, but to hide themfelves from GOD, and to fink deeper and deeper into Evil. Thus Man became anObjeêt of Redemption. And, indeed, confidering what a Slave he is to his Lulls and Paffìons, even the refined and the polite Man to the Pride, Seiñthnefs and Vanity which prevail in his Heart; beholding him oppreffed with Cares, and Sicknefs, and numberlefs Infirmities ; and viewing him from hi$ Cradle to his utmott Age, hunted by one Diftrefs and another, till the horrible Enemy of his Nature wreft from him the little Remains of a miferable Life ; he is altogether a pitiable Creature, a melancholy Subjea of Perplexity and Woe. Now, the only Hope of Redemption from Mifery and of Reiteration to Favor, is revealed to have fprung fromGOD ; who afforded it to the; firft human Ag- greffors, almoft as Soon as they had.l3een feduced from their Obedience to Him. This Hope, founded on a Covenant and a Promife, was repeatedly revealed, at various Times and upon feveral Occafions, to the Heirs of eternal Life, both under the patriarchal and legal Difpenfations. But one Ordinance, in particular, un- der the latter OEconomy, feems to have been inftituted for the exprefs purpofe ofpointing out, how this gracious Work of Salvation was to be undertaken and effeéted. This Ordinance was the Redemption of a loft Inheritance, by a near Kinfman; who therefore was entitled the Redeemer of the Family, to whom that Inheritance be- longed. Thus, the Poffeflion of a Patrimony, Title, Heirihip, &c. was to be recovered and preferved entire in a Stock; not by an Alien, who had no Intereft or Concern in the Matter, but either by the next of Kin who might be affeftionately related, or a Brother. Nor was this all, which pertained to the Office ofa Redeemer, under the Law. If his Brother's or Kinfman's Blood was fhed, he became the Avenger of that Blood, and the Purfuer of the Murderer to Juftice. Of this a full Account is given in the XXXVth Chapter of the Book of Numbers ; where the Words 4venger and Re- venger