R E D E E M E R. 22+3 of this Truth, explicitly given us in the Revelation of God himfelf. Among a Multitude of Proofs, a few, on account of the Brevity of thefe Effays, fhall fuffice. Thusfaith JEHOVAH the King of Ifrael, and his RE- DEEMER JEHOVAH SABAOTH, I am thePit, and I am the laft, and bejides me there is no GOD. * Asfor our REDEEMER, JEHOVAH SABAOTH is bis Name, the HOLY ONE of Ifrael. -j- ThyMaker is thine Hufband (JEHOVAH SABAOTH is his Name) and thy REDEEMER the HOLY ONE of Ifrael, the God of the whole Earth ioall he be called. $ Thou, O JEHOVAH, art our FATHER, our REDEEMER, thy Name is from everlafiing. § Ble(fedbe the LORD GOD of Ifrael, for He bath vifited and re- deemed his People. 11 CHRIST was fpoken of by Anna the Prophetefs to all them that lookedfor Redemption in Jerufalem. of CHRIST redeemed usfrom the Curfe ofthe Law, lays the Apoftle; ** and the Language of Hea- ven is, that yefus redeemed his Saints unto GOD by his Blood. tt Thus it appears that Chrig was the Redeemer, and that the Redeemer was Jehovah: And it is equally plain, that Chrili was in human Nature, becaufe he poured forth his Blood and died upon the Crofs for Man's Iniquities. GOD and Man, therefore, were united in him, and, fo united, became one Chrift capable, as to his human Nature, of being the Redeemer of our Inheritance and the Avenger of our Blood ; becaufe he is our Brother able to purchafe and to eftablifh all things for us, as to his fuperior Nature ; becaufe he is JEHOVAH. But it may be alked, Did Chrift redeem all Men, and is the whole World included in this AEt of Grace and Salvation ? To this it may be anfwered, that the Re- deemers under the Law ftood engaged only to thofe of their own Family, to their Brethren, and neareft Kin- dred; and that, in this refpeét, they were fo many * ifaiah xliv. 6. See alto Rev, i. 8, 1I. . Chap. xlvii. 4. $ Chap, liv. 3, 8. § Chap. lxiii. 16. II Luke i. 68. Q Luke ii. 38. 01, Gal. iii. 13. f f Rev. v. 9. Types