Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

224. R E D É. E M° E R: Types of 7efus, who was to be the Firft-born, not among the World at large, but among many Brethren, who, for that purpofe, were foreknownandpredeftinated to be conformed To tits Image. * If he had intentionally paid a Price for all, then doubtlefs all Men íhall be faved ; for it is impofììble, that the Juftice of GOD Thould deprive Chrift of his Purchafe. This would be fine News indeed for hardened Sinners, and would tend to encourage and confirm them in their Wicked- nefs, that they all (hall be faved in the very midít of it. Cbriit paid a precife Sum, and affuredly for a pre- cife Purchafe; unlefs he can be fuppofed to have made a worfe Bargain than a fimple Man : And he, there- fore, precifely purchafed force, or precifely purchafed all, of Mankind. If he paid for all, then all muff be faved; but this does not agree with his own Declaration, that wide is the Gate to Deftrucîion, that narrow is the Way to Life, 1- and that many are called, but few chofen. $ Ifhe paid for fotne only ; then He mutt have foreknown, and ftipulated for, thofe Perfons, without any Pofliibility of Addition or Failure. This laft Pofition is con- firmed by the Sentence, hereafter to be paled by Him from his Judgement-feat, on his Redeemed, whom he there calls the bledChildren ofhis Father [thofe of his own Family andKindred], and whom he welcomes to in- herit theKingdompreparedfor them (without an Intention or Contingency ofDifappointment) from before the Foun- dation of the World. § And it is very remarkable, that the Redeemer, in his own laft Prayer before his Difci- pies, fays to the Father ; I pray for them; Ipray not for the World, but for them which thou haft given me, for they are.thine.Ii He knew whom he prayed for ; and he knew alto, that his Prayer for them would be heard, and go up with everlafting Acceptance to the Throne of GOD. * Rom. viii. 29. fi Matt. vii. 13. § Matt. xxv. 3+. Rom. ix. 23. I Matt. xx. 16r il John xvii. 9. This