R E D E E M E R , 225 This is not Paid, to limit the infinite Excellency of CbriJt's Redemption ; for if there were ten thoufand Worlds of Sinners, and if it pleafed Him; in his Wifdom and Sovereignty; to extend the Benefits of his Salvation to them; undoubtedly, fince He is the in- finite Jehovah, there is Merit fufficient in his Blood and Righteoufnefs to ranfom them all. But the Cove- nant of Grace is ordered in all things, and was originally defigned to include only the Heirs of Salvation. Of thefe the great Author of the Covenant Pays, THEM SHALL be my People, and I WILL be their GOD. The reft of Mankind, with all the fallen Angels, it pleafed the Lord, for Purpofes which Himfelf can furely juftify and will one Day explain, to pafs by, and not to re- deem. This is a folemn Thought, at leaft it fhould be a folemn Thought, to thofe who are following the Mul- titude to do Evil, and who are without Hope (any Expeétation that deferves the Name of Hope), and without GOD in the World.* To, " carnal Perfons, lacking the Spirit of Chrijt," this`Confideration mua be exceedingly aweful. They have a Sentence againft them in their Hearts and Lives, that, while they continue the Servants of Sin, they can have no poffible Preren- fions to think themfelves ranfomed by the Blood of Chrift from the Guilt of it : And if they die, as they have lived, in this hopelefs Servitude, it is no uncharit- able Sentence to conclude upon them, that they never were among the Ranfomed of the LORD. GOD only knows, beforehand, them that are his; but Man, by their Fruits, can know them afterwards. 'Tis true, a * Eph. ii. ta. It has been often and julliv obferved, that the original Words here rendered, without God in the World, would have greater Force in a literal Tranflation. AQact E, Ta roo a, Atheipts in the World, would have been a fironger Expreffion of Man's Dege- neracy and Oppofition to the Will of his Maker,'and lefs exception- able than the other Phrafe; for, though every natural Man, in the Senfe of the Tranflators, is without the Fear and Love of GOD; yet he cannot be 'without GOD in an abfolute Senfe, finceall Creatures, even the Devils, exift and arefubfiffed by his Will and Power. ( finful