Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

226 R E D E E M E R . (mful Mortal, who now works Uncleannefs with Greedinefs, may be one of thofe whom Chrift bath re- deemed to GOD by his Blood ; but it is equally true, that this very Man(hall be " called according to GOD's " Purpofe by his Spirit working in due Seafon, that he through Graceflaall obey the Calling, hall bejuj?ifted " freely, (hall be made aSon of GOD by Adoption, and " like the Image of his only begotten Son Jefas Chrijt; ° Jhall walk religiouíly ingood Works, and at length by " GOD's Mercy (hall attain to everlafting Felicity." If He die in Sin, he mull receive its Wages : If He die out ofChrijt, he was never redeemed by Him. And, as there is no Room for Prefumption from this Do&rine to fome Men, on the one hand ; fo there is no Ground for Defpair to any Man, on the other. Indeed, they, who begin to defpair, have generally the leaft Cade for it, of any People in the World. The carelefs and the fecure Sinner is the Man, who remains without Hope : The humble and the broken- hearted gives the Proof of a dawning Light, which (if it be real) (hall hereafter blaze forth into perfeet Day. None needs to be difcouraged, but he who loves Sin : None (houid dare to hope, but He who loves, or delires to love, the Perfon of Chrift, and the Gofpel of the everlafting 'GOD. And filch may hope indeed, and (hall never hope in vain. He, who thirfts after GOD, (hall e'er long be replenilhed with Him. He, who begins to look to- fefus, was first looked upon by Him. Grace was in the Defign, and Glory (hall be in the End. No Man: can come unto me (faid the Redeemer), except the FATHER, who bath fent me, draw him-: and then he avers, him that cometh unto me, Iwill in no wife caft out. E From whence the Man, whole Heart is drawn out 'after Chrift,. and whole real Defire it is to come to Him, may con- clude, that his Heart is drawn of GOD, that he (hall 'finally come to his Saviour in. the Participationof aft f. John ri. Sir 44. h6.