Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

R E D E E M E R . 227 his Mercies, and that he lhall never nor in any wife be cuff out. GOD hat) promifed it, who cannot lie; 'fetus hath redeemed him ; he never(hall pere. What comfortable Thoughts, what fervent Hopes, what excellent Praifes, fhould engage the Believer in Jefus, who finds the Lf/itnefs in himfelf t and a Witnefs in the Word of GOD, that he is one of the Redeemed from the Earth, and that he hath an incorruptible In- heritance laid up for him fafely in Heaven ! O what manner of Perfon ought filch a one to be, in all holy Converfation and Godlinefs ! How zealous in the Im- provement of his Time, of his Health, his Strength, all his Faculties, and all his Mercies, to the Glory of that precious Saviour, who lived and died, that he might reconcile and unite him to GOD ! How fhould his Heart burn within him, at the very Mention of a Name, which is more replete with Delight to the Soul, than Ointment poured forth, can be to the Senfe of the Body ! How fhould his Spirit glow with religious Ardor, and with tranfporting Love, to his Redeemer, his neareft Kinfinan, and his GOD ! As his Joy, fo fhould all his Delires and all his Hopes, in Jefus, be divinely unfpeak able, andfull of Glory. But, alas! His grievous Load of tainted Clay Retards, and finks the downward Way; For when before the Throne in Prav'r He bows, Corruption haunts him there And Love itfelf can fcarcely bind The roving Folly of his Mind. If Hopes divine excite his Praife, Or Senfe of GOD's abounding: Grace; Then Self and Pride will intervene, And Rain his Gratitude with Sin. Yet; O Believer; though this be. the Lang 1age of thy Heart below, the Melody of thy Songs above Thal! John x. z s. f i John v. to. 2 no: