Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

228 R E D E E M E R. not be interrupted with one jarring Sound o f Sorrow, of one. difcordant Note of Sin. The Harmonics of Melody (fuch as Mortals never heard) fhall be attended with ail the other Harmonies of Peace, Joy, and Glory everlafting. Chrifi will be the Burden of every Song; throughout the innumerable Bands of Heavens To Chrifi fhail the univerfal Chorus of Nature and of Grace perpetually refound. Chrifi. will be their Alpha and Omega,>the Beginning o f all their Joys, and the End of all their Defires. Not a.Thought in Heaven, but wings its way to Jefus •, not a Spirit there, but preffes with rapturous Devotion to be near Him ; not one of all*the Blefled, but efteems the Light o f his Countenance, as the Emphafis of every Joy, and as the Crown and Completion of all his Happinefs. And is it pofiible •, that, as they are, fuch: thou, O frail imperfect Creature, (halt one day b e ?— Yes, blefled be GOD, it is more than pofiible ; it is irreverfibly determined and infallibly fure. If Chrifi be there, thou wilt be there *, and becaufe.He is there. O then, love, ferve, and adore Plim upon Earth. Begin now ; and regret, that thou haft begun fo late. The Time paft •, how mifpent! The Time to come ; how Ihould it be employed ! Pray for Wifdom and Grace, for the Purpofes of Thankful- nefs and Gratitude. Much hath been forgiven thee •, and, therefore, thou muft love much. Yet this is above thy own Strength; and He, who bellowed all his other Gifts and Blelfings, muft add this alfo to the Number. And, as thou canft neither think a good Thought, nor fpeak a good Word, nor redeem the lealt Particle of thy Time, without the fpecial Affiftance, and Operation, o f Jefus ■ Chrifi -, live in a conftant Dependence upon Him for the Exercild o f every fpiritual Faculty, and often lift up thy Sour with David to the Rock of thy Salvation, and fay ; Let the Words of my 'Mouth and the Meditation of my Heart be acceptable in thy Sight, O L ord, my Strength and my Redeemer. * .. S H I L O I I. # Pfalm xix. 14.