II I L O H. 229 Ii a THIS Title, as the Name of a Perlon, occurs but in the Bible, and is acknowledged by all the Cbrifiiáns and many of the Jews, to be a Name of the M ah. * Yet loch is the judicial Blindnefs of the Latter, that, while they profefs to believe the Text to be a divine Revelation, and the Saviour to be implied by it ; they will not fubmit to the internal Evidence it contains, that Jefas is that Saviour ; though they readily yield to a hundred Futilities and ftupid Expofitions to avoid the Acknowledgement. The Word feems to de- note a Deliverer, a Loafer, or Refcuer ; and both it and the Root, from which it is derived, have a relation to force Perlon or Thing, under Conftraint or Bondage. The Patriarch Jacob, by the Illumination of the Divine Spirit, beholding what fhould befall his Pofte-. ríty in the latter Days, delivers this folemn Prophecy *Many are the Conitru &ions put by Authors upon this Name Shiloh. Some take it from 5+w, which fignifies a Son; and fo -t5sw is, by Contraason, n+-5,117 , Son of the Lord. Others take it from rt5w to fend, and conlirue the Title, the Mefinger, or Sentone; but erroneoufly read n for n. Others again derive it from n5w, which force of thefe translate, to make Peace or Happìnefr, and others, to free, relate, or deliver ; which is the Senfe adopted here, The last Root, however, feems to include both Ideas, and points out the Office ofChriß who made Peace between GOD and his People, and delruereth his Çhofen, both from preterit Evil and the Wrath to come. Q5 concerning