Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

S H I L O H. 235 oufnefs, and Deliverance of the ever blefl'ed SHILOH* His Joys and Dignities were far above this World : but their Hopes and Defires centered wholly in it. Thus, one of their principal Rabbies hath declared, in hatred to Jefus, that the Jews wanted no Redeemer for their Souls, but one for their Bodies, who fhould make them viftorious and great upon Earth. His Liberty was heavenly and fpiritual : but their Expec ation was earthly and carnal. All the Liberty they coveted (and which all wicked Libertines do covet), was a licentious Independence on Jehovah himfelf, or (in the Language of the Apoftle) a Freedom FROM Righteoufnefs. How oppofite to Sentiments like these, which pof- feffed the Jews, are the Refcue and Releafe, the Hap. pinefs and the Comforts, of the adorable SHILOÜ ! He took upon him this gracious Character, to deliver his People from the Curfe of the broken Lawwhich flood againft them ; and, in ordertoaccomplifh this, hebecame a Curfefor them. t He broke the worfe than iron Chains of Sin, in which we were born, and which, but for him, we mutt have worn on our miferable Souls for ever. The Bondage of our Corruption, in his Hands, was weaker than the triple Cords upon Samfon ; and he fo diffolved the Bond, that he rendered it impoffible to be fattened again. He tranflates his Chofen from the Kingdom and Tyranny of Satan, and from theForce of Satan's Allies the Spirits of Evil, and brings them, by his unmerited Mercy, into the glorious Liberty of the Chil- drenof God. The baleful Influence of a wicked World he diverts even to their Good ; and enables them to hold fomething ofhis own fovereign Contempt, for the Honours that quickly die, and for the Riches that loon mutt fail. " To crave after few things, faid a fenfible " Philofopher, makes Poverty even equal to Riches. "§ What the Philofopher only fpeculated, the Chriftian, when called upon by his heavenly Father, is enabled by Rom. vi. zo. f Gal. iii. 13. j Judges xvi. DEMOÇa apsìd 494104. germ. ];çy.